Welcome To Our New website! Please bear with us as we migrate all of the most up-to-date documents and information over. Paper copies of the information on our website can be obtained from the school office if needed.
Welcome To Our New website! Please bear with us as we migrate all of the most up-to-date documents and information over. Paper copies of the information on our website can be obtained from the school office if needed.
St Day and Carharrack Primary School

The School Day

8:30am -  School opens for children

8:45am - Gates close - all children to be in school for register (children arriving after this time will receive a late mark)

8:45am - Phonics and SPaG Learning

During the morning all children will take part in the following:   English Learning Maths   Breaktime (times vary for each class)  

12:15pm-1:15pm - Lunchtime (lunch time varies for each class)

1:00pm-1:15pm - Afternoon Register

Topic learning / Enrichment

3:15pm - Home time (Fridays finish is 2:00pm)

3:15pm - 4pm - Clubs run by staff (not applicable on a Friday when school finishes at 2:00pm for everyone. 


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