*** You can find our January 2025 Ofsted report by clicking/tapping on the 'Statutory Info' drop-down menu ***
*** You can find our January 2025 Ofsted report by clicking/tapping on the 'Statutory Info' drop-down menu ***
St Day and Carharrack Primary School

Every Child, Every Day - a Reader

Every Child, Every Day - a Reader and a Writer

At St Day & Carharrack, we are passionate about books and learning to read and write.

Every class has high quality books which the children will read, enjoy and learn about in depth over the term. This will link to their writing as they use the text as a springboard for their imagination. Ask your child what their class are reading! 

As you will have seen, your child will have two reading books – a school reading book, based on their reading ability and a reading for pleasure book which is selected by your child. Their reading for pleasure book may be an old favourite, a new challenge or a book to share with someone else.

Our school mission this year for reading is ‘Every Child, Every Day - a Reader and a writer’.

This means that every day your child will be reading across the curriculum throughout the day and using these texts to help them grow as a writer. 

All our staff are committed to ensuring that all children become independent and fluent readers and writers during their time at our school. We want our children to enjoy books as much as we do!

Reading and writing at home is essential for your child to continue their journey where we want every child to enjoy reading and writing for pleasure.

Please support us with this by sharing books and opportunities to write with your child as often as possible.

We want our children to Enjoy, Engage and Excel in reading and writing every day.