Welcome To Our New website! Please bear with us as we migrate all of the most up-to-date documents and information over. Paper copies of the information on our website can be obtained from the school office if needed.
Welcome To Our New website! Please bear with us as we migrate all of the most up-to-date documents and information over. Paper copies of the information on our website can be obtained from the school office if needed.
St Day and Carharrack Primary School

Teaching Staff 2024-2025

Susannah Storey


Senior Leadership Team - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Health and Safety Lead - Restorative Justice Lead - Pupil Premium Lead - Attendance Lead - Trauma Informed Schools (TIS) Practitioner - Team Teach trained

Laura Vallance

Deputy Head Teacher, SENCO

Senior Leadership Team - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Designated Teacher (DT) for Children In Care (CIC) - Senior Mental Health Lead - Assessment and Data Lead - Associate Governor - Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Lead - Trauma Informed School (TIS) Practitioner - Team Teach trained

Viv Horne

Teacher, Reception/Year 1

EYFS Lead - Geography Lead - PSHE Lead - Rights Respecting School (RRS) Lead - Team Teach trained

Sam Autie

Teacher, Year 2

Computing Lead - Team Teach trained

Hannah Ponsford

Teacher, Year 3

Read Write Inc and Early Reading Lead - Team Teach trained

Ashley Hughes

Teacher, Year 4/5

Maths Lead - History Lead - Music Lead - Team Teach trained

Beth Popperwell

Teacher, Year 5/6

Senior Leadership Team - English Lead - Physical Education (P.E.) Lead - Team Teach trained

Carly-Ann Clark


Art and Design Lead - Design and Technology Lead - Religious Education Lead - TIS Practitioner - Staff Governor - Team Teach trained

Helen Bolt


Intervention Lead - Restorative Justice Lead - Outdoor Learning Lead - Science Lead - Team Teach trained