Important Information from Ms Storey - covid-19 + transition

27th June 2021

Dear Families

Covid-19 - Please keep your child at home if they have a headache, sore throat and runny nose

In addition to the original symptoms of a high temperature, a continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – the new Delta variant of COVID-19 has not only changed how the virus is spreading, but has also changed the symptoms with a headache, sore throat and runny nose now the most commonly reported. These new symptoms can make COVID-19 feel 'more like a bad cold' – especially for young people. 


We are in the final stages of confirming arrangements for all year groups this week. We have just completed a rigorous teacher recruitment process and are in the middle of finalising decisions for all year groups. Due to the lockdown and a number of changes in staffing, this process is all happening later than usual. 
A letter will be sent out this week confirming all year group decisions. Transition days and activities will happen with all classes before we break up - your child will have time with their new teacher. Our children have had a tricky last year juggling so many changes so our plans for September are about bringing stability back for everyone, to start the new school year Enjoying, Engaging and Excelling in all learning opportunities - with a big focus on our outdoor space and wellbeing. 

Adventure Week

Your class email this week will be visual - as 'photos' - capturing our 'adventure week'. It was a great week across the whole school (in and out of the building) - with our children really ENJOYING, ENGAGING and EXCELLING across a range of new learning experiences. It was wonderful to see the courage and determination with your children achieving many 'firsts'.  Kindness, new friendships and team work were all evident amongst the children.  Thank you to all of our families for making it possible - supporting with transporting everyone and changes to times. The staff team were brilliant and your kind words and emails have been greatly appreciated. We hope to make this a yearly event - if the children can write persuasive letters to the governors and we have positive feedback from parents. Please look out for a questionnaire this week. 

Every child will receive an end of year report before the end of term. We have some busy weeks ahead!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns. 

Best wishes

Susannah Storey



St Day and Carharrack Community School

Tel: 01209 820456