Newsletter 6 November 29 2021

29th November 2021

Dear Families 


It is December 1st  which is very exciting for many of our children! Our tree is up and looks great (thank you Mr Hughes). We have some lovely events planned, but we are still teaching and learning up until Christmas. We would welcome your support in trying to keep to bedtime routines, keeping up with reading, coming to school in full uniform – all of this is more essential than usual to ensure your child remains successful and able to fully engage in school life.  


Thank you to the group of ten families who came along to support the very local event on Sunday – ‘Made in St Day’. Every child had contributed to making gifts for the stall, which looked highly professional- we are very proud of their efforts! It was disappointing not to see more families supporting us. Thank you to Miss Clark for running the stall and all the staff who gave up their time to come along and support throughout the day.  


Our outdoor Christmas celebration at Trebah will be going ahead and we very much look forward to you joining us for this. Staff are committed to what we hope will be a special evening. The uptake for this has been great – if for any reason you can no longer make the evening, please let the office know so we can distribute your tickets to families who would like more places.  


COVID-19 - Advice to All Parents  


On Saturday 27 November, the Prime Minister introduced new temporary measures because of the Omicron variant, as a precaution. Due to these precautionary measures, we are politely requesting parents to wear a face covering if you wish to enter the school grounds or talk to a member of staff.  


Our measures over this prolonged period of time have been successful – enabling us to keep the school open at all times - due to the cooperation, support and understanding of the vast majority of our families – thank you for this. This has been a challenging term with high staff absence and quite often a lack of available supply staff. I am extremely grateful to our team for the additional workload they have all taken on to keep all classes open.   


We are continuing to monitor the situation and have been in contact with Public Health. The Public Health team are  satisfied that the measures we currently have in place are suitable and have assured us that the number of cases in our school is reflective of the number found in the community more broadly. 


To help prevent avoidable spread, we encourage staff and families to continue with the twice weekly LFD testing and to follow-up any positive results with a confirmatory  PCR test. Please note that LFD tests are not suitable for children under the age of 11. 


Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air 


These remain the key messages from the Public Health team regarding limiting the  spread of COVID-19: 

Hands: Wash hands thoroughly and regularly. 

Face: Wear a face covering whenever you are in close proximity of those  outside of your household. 

Space: Continue to social distance where possible. 

Fresh Air: Wherever possible, meet others outdoors and maintain good        ventilation at all times. 


Any concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.