Parent Information Email - 05/10/2020

5th October 2020
Email sent 05/10/2020
Dear Families

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I will be sending out a school newsletter so we can continue to focus on all the positives that are still happening in school. Our children continue to amaze me each day with their resilience, positivity and cooperation. We had a whole school online assembly today to celebrate everyone and all our 'stars' of the week - please see the attached certificate which is also on the website. CONGRATULATIONS everyone!

Please look out for your class email today so you can support your child's learning at home. 

Our whole school virtue continues to be: COOPERATION. 

'Cooperation is working together and sharing the load. When we cooperate, we join with others to do things that cannot be done alone. We are willing to follow the rules which keep everyone safe and happy. Together we can accomplish great things'. 

You are practising cooperation when you...

  • work well with others
  • offer your help and ideas freely
  • disagree peacefully and respectfully
  • follow the rules
  • ask for help when you need it
  • help keep a safe, happy environment

Please share your child's successes with their class teacher so we can build on positives in school. 

As always, please contact the school directly if you have any concerns, we are here to help.

Thank you. With best wishes

Susannah Storey
