Headteacher Letter to the Children 2021 Issue 6 + Important Information

1st March 2021

Dear Families

I am finalising the timetable for next week and will have the 'return to school' letter with your shortly.

Instead of the weekly newsletter, please find the attached letter for your child - I would be very grateful if you could read it to them. We have all made it to the final week of remote learning and I cannot wait to have our school reunited! Families, you have done an extraordinary job and on behalf of the whole school team I would like to thank you for your relentless support during this time. You have mastered Google Classrooms, juggled home learning in a variety of ways with your own circumstances, returned learning, sent in photos and created unique experiences for your children to learn a whole range of new skills. Truly amazing. The home-school communication has been exceptional and strengthened positive relationships in our community. It is exactly this working together that will enable every child to continue to achieve in the future. To me, the future looks bright for our children as they have developed a whole range of creative strategies to cope with change and uncertainty to make them stronger and remain hopeful at all times.     

I want to reassure you that the whole St Day and Carharrack team are working hard to ensure that the children will be returning to a safe and secure environment and that they will be able to learn, socialise and celebrate being back together in the safest way possible.

This week, I advise helping your child prepare for the return to school by adopting a similar schedule and routine to what you normally would have when in school. Please try and encourage your child to be up, have breakfast, be dressed and ready for their Google Class meeting. An earlier bedtime may also be helpful if you have found that this has slipped. These routines will help prepare your children for their return.

This is an exciting week for learning - with outdoor learning on Wednesday (non-school uniform if in school), World Book Day on Thursday and St Piran's day on Friday. Practising our virtue of perseverance, please follow the class links for one last push before our return! Try 'BookFest' for some great online, live content every day this week - starting with poetry from Michael Rosen and Benjamin Zephaniah on Monday morning! It has hit the headlines again - if your child is watching TV, turn the subtitles on - this can greatly improve your child's reading ability!


Bournville BookFest | BookFest for Schools

Writing Adventure Stories with award-winning author Katherine Rundell.Katherine’s books The Explorer and Rooftoppers have won awards and her new prequel Sky Steppers is a World Book Day book. 24 minutes. Linked activities in the Learning Pack. Suitable for: Story-Makers and Confident Writers. Poetry Writing for Beginners with Matt “Poet with Punch” Windle.


Please see the previous email about school uniform. Thank you to the parents who have already sent comments in - some great feedback and ideas already. 

We are a Trauma Informed School. It is only natural that your child may be experiencing a range of feelings and emotions and may feel anxious about a return to school. The attached document may help you understand and recognise some of these behaviours. Suggestions are offered that we use in school. Please remember to inform the class teacher or myself if your family has experienced loss or any other situations that would be helpful for us to be aware of as this will enable us to offer discrete support. This information remains confidential.  

DATA SHEET TO COMPLETE - If you have received an individual email from the school office, this needs to be completed and returned as a matter of urgency and before your child returns to school. It is crucial that we have the most up to date contact information for your child.

All families, please remember to inform the office if your address or any phone numbers have changed.

If you have contacted me individually by email, you will receive a reply this week. If your email is urgent and I have not had the chance to reply to you yet, please contact the school office to talk to me directly.

Thank you once again. I'm looking forward to seeing you all.

With best wishes

Susannah Storey


St Day and Carharrack Community School

Tel: 01209 820456