Wk8 Headteacher School Update 19.10.2020
19th October 2020
Dear Families
We have almost made it to half term thanks to everyone's efforts! Our new virtue to practise this week is 'Thankfulness'. I am thankful to our whole school community for working together to keep everyone safe and healthy and our school open during this time. Thank you parents for the part you have played!
A celebration newsletter will follow this week as our children have been amazing and achieved so much! Thank you children, you've been brilliant and you make it all worthwhile!
Here are a few important safeguarding reminders which I will list here rather than in the newsletter:
At school we need to hold three emergency contact numbers for each family. Please inform the office if your landline and mobile numbers have changed.
Parents and school staff have reported a number of 'near misses' with cars because a small number of families from our school still choose to drive down to the school during the busy start and end to the school day. This is constantly challenged by the school and we ask once again for all families to make the time to park away from the school and walk in for the last part - to keep everyone safe. Being 'late' is not a valid reason for driving down. The safety of all our children is a priority.
Thank you to the vast majority of our families who already adhere to this.
Thank you for signing up. Teachers will be sticking closely to the times you have booked. Please be ready to take the call!
Please see the letter and policy sent to you today.
It is our intention to put a school Christmas video together- with each class represented - for parents to enjoy. However we have a high number of children in each class who do not have VIDEO/SOCIAL MEDIA PERMISSIONS for various reasons. We would like to respect your wishes but at the same time, as an inclusive school, we would like all our children represented. If you feel this is an event you would make an exception for, please get in touch with the school office by email. We hope this will significantly alter numbers otherwise we will decide on a different type of celebration.
School finishes for half term on Thursday this week - normal end of day times.
Thank you to parents who have taken the time to express their views respectfully about Fridays - we have received both positive and negative comments with constructive feedback.
Our Covid-19 risk assessment is constantly being reviewed and any changes for after half term will be communicated with you. If you would like to share any thoughts, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me this week.
Many thanks
Susannah Storey