Wk7 Headteacher School Update 13.10.2020

13th October 2020
Dear Families
CONGRATULATIONS to all our STARS this week - including all of our teaching assistants! We had a special online assembly today to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our wonderful teaching assistants for going above and beyond during this challenging time. THANK YOU!
Please visit our website to celebrate our STARS for this week.
Reminder: Friday afternoons - feedback needed. 
Please remember to send in your feedback - positive and/or negative - regarding Friday afternoons. It is crucial that we have parent feedback for governors to consider. Please email: secretary@st-day.cornwall.sch.uk
Governor news: 
Our new Chair of Governors is Terri Jenkin. Thank you to Sally Miners for being a brilliant Chair of Governors this last year and for remaining with us as Vice Chair of Governors. Thank you to all our governors who continue to give freely of their time to provide strategic leadership and accountability, especially during this time. 
Booking a parent consultation 
This information will be with you this week. 
Many thanks

Susannah Storey