04/01/2021 Headteacher Update

4th January 2021
Online Application Form for Key Critical Workers
Dear Families

Having read the previous email and guidance, please follow the link below to book a school place for your child if you meet the criteria. 

Any problems, please contact Hayley in the office today.


Please send your child in with a named water bottle and a packed lunch or lunch can be ordered in the usual way via parent pay.

Many thanks

Susannah Storey



Headteacher Update

Dear Families

Thank you for your emails showing support for this difficult decision. 

To answer a couple of questions that may support everyone:

  • Teachers will send an email to you today, by 3pm, with all the information you need to access online learning via google classrooms. If you know this will be difficult to access, please email your class teacher today to request a home learning printed pack. We will find a way to get these to you by tomorrow with the learning we expect your child to complete for this week. 
  • Each morning there will be an opportunity to 'login' with your class (over the google classroom platform) so children in school and at home can see each other and receive the same information about learning for the day - directly from their class teacher. This will be a brief check-in session. Information 
  • To confirm - if your child returns to school as a key worker/vulnerable - they will be with their own class teacher in their own classroom to enable social distancing and to maintain our existing bubbles. 
  • Drop off time will be 8.45-9.00pm (at your child's usual entrance). Collection time will be 2.45-3.00pm. Additional safety measures will be in place and we ask parents to remain socially distanced when dropping off and collecting rather than gathering outside the school gate. 

I hope to have the key worker and vulnerable application document with you as soon as possible - we would be very grateful if you could complete this and return as soon as possible today. 

Here is a link if you would like to check if your child meets the criteria: 


Critical workers and vulnerable children who can access schools or educational settings - GOV.UK

This guidance has been updated to include information about the return to school and college in January, and includes the addition of those whose work is critical to EU Transition to the list of ...


If you feel you have a unique situation, please do not hesitate to contact me to see how we can support. 

Many thanks

Susannah Storey
