What to expect in Year 1

Welcome to Jade Class!

Moving on from Reception into Year 1 may feel slightly overwhelming for you and your child. However, at St Day and Carharrack School we have ensured that this transition is smooth and effective by continuing to embed continuous provision within the classroom. This means that the children have access to a variety of resources and areas laid out in the classroom to provoke learning through play and exploration. The children will also be introduced to weekly challenges where they can independently apply skills which have previously been taught. 


Over the course of the year, your child’s day may be a little more structured than it was in Reception, following the National Curriculum instead of the EYFS framework. However, there will be plenty of rich learning opportunities through playful approaches that utilise the indoor and outdoor learning environments. At St Day and Carharrack School we are hugely lucky to have an extensive and secure outdoor learning environment which includes an orchard, woodland and poly-tunnel.


In June, there is a Year 1 statutory phonics screening test. The purpose of the phonics screening check will be to confirm that all children have learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard. Subsequently, this will identify any children who need further support with their phonics. However, please don’t worry about this test as prior teacher assessments throughout the year will have identified any areas that need to be focused on well before the test date. Throughout the year, the children will have daily phonics lessons to learn tricky words, spelling rules and how to sound out and blend to aid them with their reading and writing. Reading daily to your child at home is key and will support learning progress in all areas of learning in addition to fostering a love of reading.